Terro® 2.2 oz. Liquid Ant Killer Bait Stations - 6 pack

Product Number: 7105786
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Terro® 2.2 oz. Liquid Ant Killer Bait Stations - 6 pack

  • Attracts and kills all common household ants
  • Kills the ants you see and the ants you don't
  • Worker ants deliver a lethal dose to the rest of the colony
  • Ready-to-use bait stations prevent bait from drying out
  • The more bait placements the better your results will be
  • Use along baseboards, under cabinets and near entry points
  • Includes six 0.36 fl. oz. bait stations
  • Active ingredients: 5.4% Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate (Borax)
  • Eliminates acrobat ants, Argentine ants, bin headed ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, ghost ants, little black ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, white footed ants and other sweet eating ants
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Net contents: 2.2 fl. oz. (66 cc)


Product Details

Product Weight: 0.30 LB
Shipping Dimensions: 1.25" x 6.75" x 4.50"

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