Trail Riding & Pack Equipment

Western Buyer
Utah is one of the best states for trail riding thanks to the majestic views and public trails all through the Western landscape. Being horse people ourselves, we know what it takes to ride a trail on horseback, or assist hunters packing that elk out of a canyon. Discover a wide selection of trail riding gear here - much of it made right here at Smith & Edwards - and keep reading for trail riding tips!
Marty and his people know just about everything there is to know about the gear you need for farming, ranching, trail riding and packing, and rodeo.... Ask us if you need anything!
Packing vs Horseback Trail Riding
When you're getting the gear you need to hit the trail, think about what you're going to use. You'll find some great pack saddles and pack bags here for a nice day trip, that will be perfect for a trail ride. Nothing too big that will overload your horse.
If you're going for longer, we have nice large pack bags and boxes that will hold the odds 'n ends that come along with a week-long trip out in the country or accompanying your lucky hunting buddies, packing out quarters or a nice trophy deer mount. We've got several guys here working in our tack workshop making iron cloth pack bags that will hold up to the harshest conditions and the heaviest loads... trust us, we've put them to the test!
That being said, don't forget all the necessities for a campout: clothes, bed roll, rain gear, food, headlamps, water purifiers, TP, camera, a way to charge your phone, wipes, meds, and of course a coffee pot.
Trail Riding Safety Tips
To make the best of your trip, a little preparation means no worries and a lot less headache. Make sure and check both your trailer and your tack before you head out. Pay special attention to cinches, stirrups, and your horse's shoes. That way you won't have a surprise on the trail.
Bring more water than you think you'll need, and make sure to bring an energy bar or snacks. Keep a first aid kit with you on your saddle or on your body so you can treat little cuts and accidents without having to search for wipes or bandages. Plus, remember ointment, a spare boot, and supplies for your horse. Luckily much of what's in a first aid kit can work for your horse, too!
Take a friend with you when you go trail riding - it makes it more fun, plus it's a good idea for safety. You're less likely to get lost or turned around with a companion... although you may lose track of time faster with them! Better yet, join up with a riding club or a service organization like the Back Country Horsemen and log more hours on your favorite trails. The more familiar you are with trails, the more you can be aware of downed trees, holes, and other hazards that can affect you and your fellow riders.
Bring a saw, pocketknife, or multitool, plus duct tape for repairs and fixes on the trail. You'll never need it till you need it... if you get in a pinch you can always make a fix with a wild rag!
Lastly, it should be common sense: always try to stay on the trail.
Horse Trails to Ride in Utah
Where should you go if you're looking for backcountry trails in Utah? In southern Utah the trails by Bryce Canyon are breathtaking. Up in our neck of the woods, in northern Utah, there are trails in the Uintas as well as along the Wasatch Front that are beautiful pieces of wilderness you have to see. And by the way, click here and stop by the Back Country Horsemen of Utah, they've got a great Facebook page and always have neat events on their calendar. Tell 'em we sent ya!
Pack Saddles
Smith & Edwards makes the trail riding gear you need - including these pack saddles! Get the quality you need at a reasonable price. These pack saddles are all available! If they are marked out of stock, please contact us to order one.
If you're wondering where to find pack saddles in Utah, Smith & Edwards is the place! And if you're in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, or anywhere in the US, we'll be happy to send you your own Decker pack saddles so you can get out there and have an adventure or getaway in your neck of the woods. Click here to shop pack bags (we make those here, too!) and click to shop all Western Tack & Gear.
We ship orders very quickly and FedEx has been a great carrier for us. We've sold Western tack for decades and we're horse people too. We carry dozens of brands of Western tack as well as making our own leather items right here in our workshop in Farr West, Utah. Thanks for stopping in!
Pack Saddle Cinches and Breeching
People love to go trail riding and when you go trail riding with friends or groups, you'll want to bring more than just your horse can carry! Plus, hunting on horseback means a mule or horse to help pack out those elk quarters. To do that, we make our own pack saddle cinches, breeching, and breastcollars. And click here to shop pack saddles and click to shop pack bags & panniers made here in Utah by our workshop!
Having good cotton webbing pack saddle breeching and cotton lash cinches will help you outfit your pack horse without breaking the bank on leather tack. Plus, the cotton cleans easily and features strong harness leather straps to attach to your pack saddle or straps.
Go have fun out there on the trail. Bring home a winter's worth of meals from your hunting trip. And whatever you need, you can get it delivered from Smith & Edwards. The Western states have trusted our tack we make since 1979, let us help you on your backcountry adventure.
Saddle Bags & Pack Panniers
Pack bags are Smith & Edwards' specialty! We make panniers, slings, and boxes for horse packing. Whether you're packing out elk quarters or packing in Dutch ovens, water or a wall tent to set up base camp. Get the pack saddles, saddle bags, pack panniers and more that you'll need. Pack saddle bags, horse tack, and much more - all for you at
A lot of the pack bags and panniers we carry have been made in our tack shop in Ogden, Utah since 1979. Get it delivered to your doorstep by ordering today! Click here to shop all Trail Riding & Packing supplies.
You'll find a huge array of horse packing bags here at Smith & Edwards, and most of these we design and make ourselves, here in our tack workshop! A lot of these are designed by our own guys and gals who go out and bring back ideas that they'd like for their next trip to the Uintas, our local range of the Rocky Mountains. Or what would have been handy on the big elk trip.
We update our bag designs every so often because we get better ideas on how to hide seams or reinforce construction. We favor the "ironweave" nylon material: it's much stronger than canvas, and it won't mildew or rot. Plus, you can just hose it out after your trip and let it air dry. See the comparison below:
Tip: Using Ironcloth vs Canvas for trail riding & packing
When you're choosing pack bags, should you get canvas or ironcloth? Both work well and have their place. Here's a quick comparison:
Ironcloth, also called
ironweave or bearcloth Pros:
(These reasons are why we use a lot of ironcloth in the pack bags we make!) Cons:
Hunting, Outfitting & Trail Riding Accessories
Protect your gear when you're on the trail! Cover your bags with mantees and use our rain cover to make sure your bags stay dry. Plus, if you're hunting on horseback, keep your rifle at your side in these hard-to-find leather rifle scabbards. We have even more Horse Pack Saddle Bags here (or click here to shop all Trail Riding & Packing items).
When you're hunting off a horse, mount your scabbard off your pommel or however you like it so you can draw your rifle in a hurry when you see "the BIG one"! You'll find several options to help you pack the rifle you want for the hunt.
Plus, keep your Pack Saddle Bags nice and dry with one of our rain covers. You'll find manties here too. At Smith & Edwards, we want to be your source for ALL your backcountry needs: from cooking with cast iron and spices to all the tack you could dream of, you'll have all the trail riding accessories and Western living comforts to choose from. Through our partnerships with the US Postal Service and FedEx, you can get great shipping rates and fast delivery, even to the most rural addresses on old country roads.
Horse Hobbles
Keep your horse nearby when you're out on the trail with a good hobble. You'll find nylon and leather horse hobbles here. No need for a picket line or a tree, he'll be safe with one of the horse hobbles here.
You'll find a huge selection of equine hobbles here at Smith & Edwards! That's because we're horse people too! We work hard to have an amazing selection of horse tack, especially Trail Riding gear - and in fact we actually make a lot of the tack we sell! Some of these leather hobbles are made right here in our shop in Utah!
Looking for information on how to train your horse to hobble? There's a great article here to get you started and familiar with the types of hobbles.
Bed Rolls
When you want total freedom, get yourself a cowboy bed roll. Bedrolls are a tradition of the West and they're still used because they're still effective. A canvas bedroll can hold your blankets and pillow, and just roll it up and you're good to go. Check out the bedrolls for sale below, and if you need a sleeping bag, they're over here. Throw in a thermarest for good measure & comfort!
Trail riding means getting to sleep under the stars. Don't worry about bringing along the whole tent kit 'n kaboodle - strap your bedroll on your horse and you're good to go. Plus, cowboys' bed rolls serve a lot of purposes. You can waterproof your canvas bedroll and stuff a sleeping bag in it for cold & snowy nights. There's a lot more than using bed rolls for sleeping, too. In an emergency, cut it up for tourniquets and bandages. Whether you're a sheepherder, you work on a ranch, you love riding trails or you're getting ready for elk camp, you'll love having your bedroll.
Bedrolls are also great for motorcycle trips. Store valuables inside the bedroll, strap items onto the D rings, and have independence from staying in motels - a canvas bed roll will roll up and strap on your bike without fuss. It only takes saving a motel night or two and your bedroll will pay for itself.