Camping & Hiking

Sporting Goods & Camping Buyer
Utah has some of the most beautiful campsites in the country, so we wouldn't carry camping gear we wouldn't use ourselves! You can trust you'll find the best deals on Coleman, Kelty, and more here at Smith and Edwards.
All the best outdoor gear - and at reasonable prices. You'll find tents for camping, backpacking gear, hiking supplies, and everything in between here at Smith and Edwards. And you'll know you're getting the best stuff because these are the same water filters, hydration packs, sleeping bags, tents, and first aid kits we pack and use ourselves.
Need some inspiration? Check out Mike's list of must-have Camping gear plus his favorite hiking spots here - The Gear You Need for a Weekend Getaway in Utah!
Whether you're going outdoors for a day hike, an overnight stay at a nice campground, or you're really roughing it during hunting season or just spending your nights under the stars, you'll be happy to find the exact camping equipment you need here.
Outdoor Cooking & Smoking
Everybody loves the taste of good ole outdoor cooking. Whether it's the flavors, special recipes, great atmosphere, or a combination of it all - nothing can compare. Explore our great selection of outdoor cooking equipment by trusted brands like Lodge, Camp Chef, and GSI. Your new favorite outdoor smoker, enamelware, Dutch oven or other cast iron cookware is just a click away!
From traditional outdoor cooking equipment like cast iron cookware to fun and new creations like the Doughy Maker, you are bound to find something to motivate and inspire you for your next outing. You'll also find some great ideas in our blog post with Dutch oven enthusiast and author of many great outdoor cooking recipe books, Colleen Sloan. She shares some terrific Dutch oven cooking tips and some recipes you'll want in your possession. You can Colleen's recipe books here.
Tents, Stakes, & Bivvys
The smell of fresh pine and a campfire call out your name. With each season the great outdoors drives the longing for adventure. Why not answer the call and gear up for that outdoor excursion with a name brand, high quality tent! You’ll find all top brands like Coleman, Browning, and Pacific Crest.
Whether it’s a romantic getaway in Yellowstone for 2 or a family trip to the Uinta Mountains, you’ll find the perfect tent for your trip. Let the sounds of a night in the mountains play a lullaby to your adventurous ears and enjoy your personal space without the walls of the office dragging you down.
You’ll find a great selection of outdoor camping supplies all in one place! From cozy sleeping bags for a night under the stars or bags and packs for endless summer trails and trekking. You are sure to cross off every item on your list and with a few clicks you are ready to head to the great outdoors and off to a great adventure!
Hammocks & Cots
The light cool breeze and fresh pine take you to your outdoor paradise. Relax and take some time to yourself in our selection of durable hammocks. Each hammock comes ready for setup and includes a carrying bag. You'll find a high quality hammock that is easy to set up in between two trees or bring a hammock stand for portability.
Sleeping Bags
You’ll never want to miss the opportunity to spend a night under the stars with a fantastic selection of sleeping bags. These warm and soft high quality sleeping bags make great gifts for the outdoor lover. From mummy bags to big and tall, you’ll find a sleeping that fits for all! All high quality and top brands to choose from you’ll want to take home more than one.
Mummy bags are perfect for backpacking, trail riding, and for a lightweight solution for year round outdoor enthusiasts. You’ll find that they are easier to pack and easy to store because they can fit into a smaller carrying bag for easy storage without needing to roll up the bag. Bigger sleeping bags, such as the rectangle bag are perfect for your camper or a spontaneous off road trip to throw in the back of you jeep or pickup.
From top brands like Kelty to Ledge, you’ll never be disappointed in high quality and a vast selection of bags fit for your perfect trip. Cross more items off your list with our great selection of camping tools and air mattresses that are sure to create the perfect outdoor experience and answer your call for adventure.
Sleeping Pads & Air Mattresses
Getting a good nights rest is important when you are on the trail or camping. Find your perfect sleeping aid from a line of pads and air mattress accessories. A good air pump will keep your air mattress from deflating, Coleman offers a powerful, portable, and rechargeable air pump that is fast and easy to use.
You'll find a great selection of super light, durable, and long lasting air pads that are made for trail riding and hiking. The trail can be rough, but your bed doesn't have to be! You'll find the perfect pad that adds comfort of home to your trail adventure.
You can also find a great selection of brand name packs and bags, trekking poles, and tents that will prepare you for the ultimate hiking or trail riding adventure.
Camp Chairs & Tables
Camp chairs are perfect for kicking back aside a calm lake waiting for the fish to bite, or in front of the crackling fire pit. We also have camping/folding tables which are perfect for serving up breakfast in the mountains first thing in the morning.
Find the perfect portable chair for game night, hunting, or camping. Shop our selection of lightweight and portable chairs with many different style options so you find just the right fit for the occasion. Alps weekender seats are perfect for games, concerts in the park, or movies under the stars. Lightweight and easy to fold and carry, you can bring comfort to every outdoor event.
Timber Ridge has high quality and durable chairs for the hunter in your life. with options such as a storage compartment or tripod fold design, you will be prepared to take on any game. for even more camouflage shop our dinnerware collection and men's, women's, and kid's camo!
Hiking Packs, Duffles, & Bags
The road winds and the vast mountain range is on the horizon. With brands names such as Kelty and Jansport and high quality bags and packs, you can find exactly what fits your style to cross that rough terrain.
As you explore the great trails and make memories, fanny packs and compression sacks make organizing your gear a little more easier. Compression sacks make a great way to store basics and make more room with side straps and buckles and they make a good place to throw wet swimsuits or dirty clothes. Keep your camera or trail hiking goodies by your side with a good fanny pack for those spontaneous adventures.
The ultimate adventure begins with the right gear and a perfect addition to your long road ahead is a good night's sleep. You'll find sleeping bags and lightweight tents that coordinate with the hike, so you aren’t a pack mule but an adventurer with the right supplies that aren’t weighing you down.
Clean, fresh water is one of our most basic needs. It's something you often don't think about until your water is contaminated or is in short supply. Make sure wherever you are you can get safe, reliable drinking water.
Browse our great selection of water filters and treatments that not only remove harmful bacteria and viruses but can reduce odors and make your water taste great too! The portable water filters are a terrific choice when traveling to other countries when water sources are questionable. You'll also find innovative products designed specifically for hiking, camping, emergency prep, and everyday use. Looking for outdoor cooking solutions? Click here to find everything you need for your next outdoor adventure.
Energy Bars & Meal Pouches
Stay full longer with high-energy snacks and ready to go meals in pouches. These aren't military issue, these are tasty meals like breakfast skillets, beef stroganoff, lasagna, and macaroni & cheese. Also excellent for bug-out bags.
Trekking & Snowshoeing
You'll find the perfect hiking pole that is portable and lightweight. With durability and designed to adjust to your height you will want to take it with you on any hike, trail, or camping trip. The trekker poles are great to have on hand and can even fit in your pack with the 3 telescoping sections that adjust to any desired height between 26" X 54". Designed to last long and durable for any trail.
Gear up for more adventure with great packs that are durable and ready for your outdoor expedition. You'll find a great selection of light weight accessories that will ease you trail hiking experience. Shop durable and high quality tents, pads, and sleeping bags that won't weigh you down.
Camping Compasses & Maps
Benchmark road and recreation atlas is a must have for your road trip. With it’s highly detailed maps and complete recreation guide, it’s always good to have a hard copy of where you’re headed. Keep on hand for emergencies or just to explore back roads and popular tourist areas.
Survival Tools & Shovels
Must haves for any trail riding, hiking, and camping pack list! You’ll find necessary tools that are durable for any outdoor adventure. You’ll find tools that make camping a breeze and some that you probably didn’t even think you needed.
At these prices, you can afford to have a survival knife or multi-tool in each of your emergency kits, even in the car and by the door! You'll have all the tools you need - screwdrivers, can opener, pliers, knives, even LED light - in your survival multi-tool. A survival must-have!
Whether you're building your own bail-out bag or you're helping a friend or loved one build their own emergency kit, you'll want to pack a good multi-tool. We've selected these survival blades and tools to give you the most reliable service at the best price.
Under half a pound and packed with utility, these emergency knives will serve you well in your time of need, whether you're out in the woods or unfamiliar terrain in an evacuation situation - or you're just making a small home repair. Don't be unprepared - get the multi-tools you'll need tomorrow, today.
Gold Panning Kits & Tools
From axes to survival chainsaw and performance tools, being prepared on an excursion is a number one priority for any outdoor enthusiast. You will find Stansport's gold panning tools & kits are also a must have on your list! With each high quality, durable, and versatile tool you will be more then ready to take on anything that mother nature throws at you.
Along with necessary tools, emergency lights something you'll want to have on hand when you are experiencing what mother nature has to offer.
Camp Showers, Toilets, & Accessories
The great outdoors are the perfect place to get away from everyday stress. The smell of the campfire and fresh wood are a perfect way to ease into your outdoor vacation. You'll find a great selection of showers and outdoor toilets that keep you and your outdoor haven smelling fresh and clean.
You'll find high quality accessories like mirrors, toiletry bags, and soap. The camper shower is compact for easy storage and ready to use when you are! It's solar heated so you can hang it up anywhere there is a lot of sun without having to drag around a tank. It is so portable you can take it with you anywhere.
Try our selection of portable toilets for for a more comfortable experience in the great outdoors you can also find a foldable shovel that is a must have tool for a variety of uses, like shoveling coals or burying a campfire on your outdoor adventure.
First Aid & Survival
It's important as you venture out into your grand adventure that you are prepared for anything mother nature throws your way. Shop Smith and Edwards for the ultimate collection of survival and first aid kits.
Each of the first aid kits are great for backpacking, trail riding, and camping. They are compact and easy to store in your gear in your gear without taking up any space. You'll also find 72 hour kits that are great to store in your camping supplies, they feature options that will keep you prepared for any situation you may face in the great outdoors.
You'll also find more supplies for emergency preparedness by clicking here. You'll find an even greater selection of trail riding must haves and awesome camping and hiking gear that will prepare you for any adventure or emergency situation you find yourself in.
Emergency Preparedness

Amy Griffiths & MIKE VAUSE
Preparedness Buyers
Is your family prepared? Get ready for any situation with survival gear and emergency preparedness supplies hand-picked by the experts at Smith & Edwards. We've been around since 1947, so we know what it takes!
About Emergency Prep at Smith & Edwards
We've combed our store to find the best survival products! Four of our in-store experts collaborated to build this selection of Emergency Preparedness supplies, so that no matter the situation - flood, fire, tornado, snowstorm, hiking, power outage, flat tire on a snowy mountain pass, or zombie apocalypse, you'll have important tools needed to survive.
You'll find individual supplies and refills, as well as 72 hour kits assembled and ready to go. Not sure what goes into a 72 hour kit? Don't worry! Get started with our Essentials List above, or download a complete list here. We have all the items needed to make your own, including multiple category selections to help you find the best for your budget and family needs. Does your church, school, local community, business, or other large group want to put together some emergency preparedness kits? We can help with larger projects too!
Preparing individual emergency kits for your family? Download a personal ID card here to attach to each family member's bag for fast identification when an emergency strikes.
From First Aid Kits to Food Storage supplies & equipment, you'll find everything you need to prepare yourself and your household for anything.
Heating Essentials
When the furnace goes out, you need a way to keep warm. Whether it's a power outage, a storm, a tornado, or an earthquake, you want to make sure you have enough blankets and emergency heat sources to keep you and your family warm. Plus, we've got small, portable space blankets and ponchos so no matter where you get caught in an emergency situation - in your car, out hiking, or traveling, you'll be able to stay warm and dry til help arrives.
There's a lot more in-store at Smith & Edwards than what you see here online: We've got generators, heaters, and all the fuel and batteries you need to keep warm and stay dry. Those can be tricky to ship! But check out what we do offer online: space blankets, ponchos, and more ways to keep dry and warm.
These emergency heating supplies are important to have in your emergency kit, your 72-hour kit, and your car emergency kit. That emergency blanket in your car can make a huge difference late at night on a closed mountain pass or on a road blocked by a fallen tree. Save your car battery and keep warm with these important emergency heating supplies.
Fire Starters & Lighting
You’ll find the best lighting solutions for your outdoor adventure, cabin, emergency kit, and barn with a large selection of lanterns, emergency candles, and flashlights. From battery operated to oil lanterns, you'll find the perfect lantern that will light up your campsite and help create many more friends and family memories after dark.
Can't get enough of that sweet country music or tapping your toes to a line dancing tune? Kelty offers a Lumaspot Rhythm LED Lantern with Speaker. Bring more to the bonfire with your favorite tunes and the right amount of multicolored light to bring the party wherever adventure takes you.
Emergencies can happen at any time. Whether you are at home, at the office, or on the road, you can always be prepared with emergency candles. If you can't have open flame and don't have a lot of room, then you can find a headlight that is small and lightweight, perfect for a purse or to keep in your drawer at home or in the office for easy and fast access.