Ice Fishing Augers
Augers are your key to the trout, bluegill, and bass lurking below the icy reservoir surface. A hand ice auger is a great tool to get you started. Then, once you've got ice fishing fever, upgrade to an Electric Ice Auger to take the workout out of your favorite winter hobby.
There are two basic kinds of ice augers: a hand ice auger and an electric ice auger. Often the hand ice auger is the one used by beginners because it's the most economical route for getting started and you can still get great results getting your fishing hole cut. For the more seasoned ice fishing angler, or the one who wants to spend less time preparing to fish and more time doing it, the electric ice fishing auger is for you. It's powered by battery so you can get through 3 feet of ice before your buddy eats his first stick of jerky! There hasn't really been a middle ground before now, but Clam has come out with an Auger Kit Conversion Drill Plate that turns a hand auger into a power auger, just with the power of your home electric drill. A great option for the angler who wants to upgrade his hand auger but isn't ready to make the plunge to buy an electric one. Be sure you have a good ice skimmer on hand to keep your hole clean once you cut it.