Mecates, Fiadors, & Slobber Straps

Whether you use a bosal or bits with slobber straps, a good mecate rein is important in your gear.  Here you'll find traditional mecates made with horse hair and more, along with some great quality fiadors in a variety of colors that are made right here at Smith and Edwards. If you'd like a complete hackamore that includes the bosal, headstall, mecate, and fiador all together, click right here to find the perfect set.



22' Tail Hair Mecate
Number: 100TH
Price: Starting at $44.99
22' Mane Hair Mecate
Number: 101MR
Price: Starting at $89.99
Leather Slobber Straps
Number: SSSCS
Price: Starting at $14.99
1/4-in. Hand Tied Nylon Fiador
Number: 353
Price: $6.99