Rocky Mountain Game CallsŪ Reaper GTP Diaphragm (Intermediate)

Product Number: RM135
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Rocky Mountain Game Calls® Reaper GTP Diaphragm (Intermediate)

  • Built on a GTP (Golden Tone Plate)
  • Created to make very aggressive bulges sounding like a frustrated bull challenging for the herd
  • Get it to reproduce the estrus whine of a cow in heat
  • Designed with a plate at the right correct angle so your latex goes up against it and stabilizes the latex for better control of your note changes
  • Heavier latex
  • Latex is stretched tighter
  • Designed to give your older bull sounds and older cow sounds
  • Will do challenge calls because it's got a high-screaming pitch note
  • Really gets the bulls wound up because it has a lot of volume

Product Details

Product Weight: 0.02 LB
Shipping Dimensions: 3.00" x 6.25" x 0.25"

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