Cinches & Rear Cinches

Cinches and rear cinches are important for any rider... But they're not always easy to find! Smith & Edwards has 'em because we USE 'em... We're horse people too! Not only that... But we actually make Western tack here at Smith & Edwards - so a lot of those rear cincha billets, cinches, and straps are actually made right here by us in Utah. We'll make sure you get the tack you need! Looking for trail riding & packing gear? Click here!

Whether you're just looking for a little extra security with a rear cinch for your saddle, or you're needing it for roping or trail riding, you'll be secure with a rear cinch from Smith & Edwards. And while you're here, why not pick up a cinch (cincha) so you've got one on backup or replace it at the same time?

Plus, we have everything you need to take good care of your tack so it's always in the best shape - click here to shop leather care supplies.


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